Tag: Counter Reformation


A Case of Rebirth and Modernity: the Cinquecento in Florence

Detail of Bronzino, Deposition (Besançon, 1543) By Andrea M. Gáldy – While many people still consider the Renaissance to have been a movement created largely in Florence and Rome, in recent decades this understanding has been changing. The Renaissance has become more international and its chronology has become wider, one […]


Caravaggios Darkness: A Sinners Reputation with a Saints Heart

  By Kristine Wendt – One of the most elusive art historical biographies belongs to Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio.  Having pieced together his biography from police records alone, historians have classified Caravaggio as violent, irascible, and quick to draw his sword.  Moreover, surviving contemporary biographies, covetous and biased, have further […]